I have had an insanely busy day of cleaning, writing, and trying to get ready for a banquet tonight. I had planned on finishing a project to share with you today, but it will have to wait until tomorrow. I know you're just heartbroken, right? Right?
I'll give you a hint about the project. Scripture. I love to pray scripture over my children. I've talked a little bit on here before about Estella Dru's verse. This is how I pray it: I pray that Estella Dru will do everything without complaining or arguing, so that she may become blameless and pure, a child of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which she shines like stars in the universe as she hold out the word of life. Philippians 2:14-16a
And Jeb's: I pray that above all else Jeb guards his heart... that he will put away perversity from his mouth; keep corrupt talk from his lips. I pray he lets his eyes look straight ahead, fixing his gaze directly before him. I pray he makes level paths for his feet and takes only the ways that are firm. I pray he does not swerve to the right or the left, but keeps his foot from evil. Proverbs 4:23-27
I haven't found Belle's yet, and I don't want to rush it. The other two came to me, and hers will, too.
We also have a family verse. I found myself saying this to my girls over and over, and finally it dawned on me... that's your verse. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord, and not for people. Colossians 3:23
Once I knew that was our family's verse, I wanted to display it prominently in our house. I realize you can commission artists to do stuff like this.... But with our budget, we don't "commission" anyone for anything. In fact, the thought of it makes me laugh a little. Someday, maybe. Someday.
So I came up with a solution that I can do myself. I hope turns out as well 'for real' as it is in my head. I'll share it with you tomorrow, hopefully. Here's a little teaser picture, complete with my straight-from-school-middle child. How I love her and that dirty little face.
romans 8:28 is a favorite and i always insert my name into the verses in Isaiah (fear not kate, etc.)
i can't wait to see your project! xoxo
I can't wait to see it either. I get so many good ideas from you. I hope you don't mind me doing them. lol :) Every since Malachi was a baby we have prayed this over him. We would even meet people and this would be there last words to him.
Numbers 6:24-26
The LORD bless you
and keep you;
25 the LORD make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
26 the LORD turn his face toward you
and give you peace.”’
LOVE this. Thanks for sharing the verses :)
I like the idea of giving Ella and our future children (God willing) their own verse and praying that over them. Lovely@
I have prayed scripture over my kids (such as in this post http://childrenatgrace.blogspot.com/2010/10/proverbs-23-wisdom-for-parents-children.html), but more often I've prayed for what their names mean. For example:
For Hannah ("grace"): I pray that she would be a giver of grace to others.
For Elijah ("my God is the Lord"): I pray that he would know and stand for the truth about the one true God.
For Sender ("protector"): I pray that he will be a protector of others.
It's awesome to see how God has made those prayers real in their lives already.
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