I am a mother to two stunningly gorgeous little girls, Ava Isabelle and Estella Dru, and one always-on-the-go, rockin'-my-world, little boy, Jeb Sullivan. I have been married to my incredibly hot husband, Matt, for nine years and still can't get enough of him. I am a Type 1 diabetic and a mommy doing life without mine. Two degrees ago, I saw myself with a Ph.D. and full time career in academics. Today, I am a stay-at-home mom and writer and wouldn't have it any other way. I finished my first novel in August 2010 and am hoping and praying for its publication and working on novel number two. I am a lover of Jesus Christ and believer that the Bible is God-breathed and absolute truth. Oh... and a lover of all things Southern... and Starbucks... and anything pink.
ONE) I made Paula Deen's Pumpkin Gooey Butter Cake on Wednesday. And it's good. If you'd like to try it, the recipe is here. Be sure to serve it warm and with whip cream. I think whip cream is the key.
TWO) This little butterfly may not mean a thing to you, but to me... that little butterfly is a beautiful thing. I thought Matt picked up the wrong testing strips for me, but then I realized Freestyle has improved their strip. I was a skeptic. The claim was that the new and improved strip works with less blood. I tried it, and it's (insert high pitched voice) AWESOME. I only need half the blood I usually need to test. I really love that little butterfly.
THREE) I noticed a while back that my peanut butter label warns there may be traces of anchovies in my peanut butter. Would any care to explain how traces of these....
...might end up in my peanut butter? I'm a logical person. And I do not understand.
FOUR) I always think my text conversations with Matt are hilarious. But I found this this morning and thought you might like it. Matt did not. (See last text.)
Thanks. I needed a laugh. I too have the same pb, so if you find out why there are anchovies in it, please share! The text and video both made me laugh! Have a great Friday!
when i first saw the post about jeb, i thought it was going to be about "heart kitty blasty" but then i realized your cat has a sophisticated southern literary name. (can you tell i've been reading back posts?) i like the all natural peanut butter...it has to be refrigerated but no hydrog oils. happy friday my friend!
Thanks. I needed a laugh. I too have the same pb, so if you find out why there are anchovies in it, please share! The text and video both made me laugh! Have a great Friday!
when i first saw the post about jeb, i thought it was going to be about "heart kitty blasty" but then i realized your cat has a sophisticated southern literary name. (can you tell i've been reading back posts?) i like the all natural peanut butter...it has to be refrigerated but no hydrog oils. happy friday my friend!
That's too good!! Loved the whipped cream text! That's GROSS on the peanut butter, how in the world?!
I love your random posts!!
I have watched this video 4 times already, have laughed out loud every time, and plan on watching it more. I LOVE that little kid!!!
LOVED the video!! How funny!
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