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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Countdown to Halloween... tick, tick, tick

Eleven more days until Halloween, and I have no idea what my kids are going to be.

Belle wants to be a hippie. Estella Dru wants to be an angel... or a puma. (No, I'm not kidding.) And Jeb could care less.

I know I don't have many years left to dress them up how I want, and this distresses me.

Last year my girls were cats. E Dru was a white cat and Belle was a black cat. Of course, they were extremely fancy cats, complete with bedazzled collars and mouse hair pieces.

And Mr. Jeb was a rock star with tattooed arms, piercings, nails painted black, and a killer mohawk.

I have a few ideas but nothing that screams perfection. I do believe it is time to panic.

What are your kids going to be for Halloween?


Erica said...

This years rule is that I'm not spending any money on Halloween. It's just not in the budget this year. So... I'm going to have 1 Razorback Football Player, 1 Magician and 1 Barbie Musketeer. :)

The Young Family said...

Ava is OBSESSED with Wizard of Oz. So....I made her a Dorothy dress...spent $14! Proud Mommy moment!

Kate Spears said...

my friend patra at said she's going to be a bedbug....i'm totally thinking of stealing that one! cute pjs and some type of bug/insect antennae headband. my usual standby is a farmer (plaid shirt, pigtails and dotted on freckles) your peanuts are so cute, they will look adorable whatever you choose!

Aimee Bryan said...

Of course we are gonna totally girly! Cracker Barrel has cute costumes and accessories. So if you don't wanna buy the whole thing go buy bits and pieces and put your own together. I am assuming that you MAKE their costumes and you'll do better than any store bought costume.
Ammorae is gonna be a witch with lots of bling. Aydan a Queen. Addy a renasaince type. Ava a purple pixie princess. Abigail a kitty cat.
We don't usually buy any costumes, but Gramma and Papa intervened and spoiled us this year. Good luck!