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Monday, April 19, 2010

Catch up

I neglected my blog last week. And this week I'm afraid will not be much better. So I decided to do a quick post today just to get caught up. It's very random. I apologize in advance.

1.) We are busy. So busy. Too many projects. Too many places to be. It's hectic, but I love it.

2.) Last week my blood sugars were hard to keep in check. All my fault, I'm sure. I've kicked up my work out routine to get ready for the beach, and I'm thinking that has affected me. Last night I had, what I like to refer to as, a "Shelby" moment. For the Steel Magnolias fans out there, you'll know exactly what I mean--the scene in Truvy's when Shelby is getting her hair done for the wedding. "Don't talk about me like I'm not here!" You know the one. Well, my incident wasn't that extreme obviously, but a quick plummet of blood sugar levels just sucks. For me, my entire body starts to quake. I start thinking 'weird'. I've only done it twice, but it's not pretty when it gets that intense. Poor Matt.

3.) Jeb has had ZERO potty accidents in almost three weeks EXCEPT at church. He just will NOT tell his teachers he needs to go. I'm proud of him, though. Such a big boy. (I called him in for a picture and told him to show me his big boy underwear, and of course, he dropped 'em. At least you can't see anything.)
4.) I've been writing a lot. More details about that later. But here is something I found at Grandpa's for a little inspiration. My very first story, written when I was in second grade. My mom had it 'done up' like this way back when. I can't believe they haven't made it into a movie yet. Patience, patience.

5.) I am excited about traveling tomorrow. Here's a hint. Ok, more than a hint.

6.) Matt is currently building this in our backyard. We got it for about $100 less than what is listed on If you want to know how, let me know and I'll fill you in.

7.) Not so long ago Matt had a photographer come in to take pictures of Shiloh students to include in his new media stuff. Shamelessly, I told him to use our kids. He said 'no.' But at the last minute, he DID decide to use them. And whereas I love that he did, poor little Estella Dru's hair is just awful. I had not prepared her for fame!! And this is the picture that is on brochures, a tv spot, all over.... Poor sweet thing. She's still adorable.

That is all. Not too interesting. Just how I like it.


Sharon said...

We are shopping for a playset so I'd LOVE to know how you got one cheaper!!!

So sorry you are feeling bad!

Can't wait to hear why you are going to Hollywood!!! Fun!

Boni Williamson said...

ME! I WANNA KNOW HOW YOU GOT IT FOR LESS! (I think Travis needs a project right?)

Leanne said...

Are you going to Hollywood??!! Wow! How fun!!
I hope you levels are better this week!! :)

Nel said...

Hollywood... please do tell! I love the story plaque. That is too cool. Don't you love finding treasures that you had forgotten about. Glad you have been writing, I knew that you had not mentioned it in a long time. And hope you get your blood sugars under control. You will get the hang of it. And I love that movie... Now how is that for a random comment...lolol

until next time... nel

Joy Junktion said...

What a simply yummy post. Just a sweet taste of so many great things. Praying for your health. What's in Hollywood? Well, I mean besides the "normal" stuff. Enjoy the trip. Looking forward to more sweet treats when you get back:)
Blessings, Cindy

Aimee Bryan said...

The playset looks like so much fun and work! Have a great trip! I totally dislike the "PERFECT" advertising pix, you know it's unrealistic. We want people to know that we are REAL and Drew is gorgeous all the time!

Janet said...

I would love to know how you got that swingset cheaper! We are going to put one in the backyard for the girls this summer once Callie gets home.

Tiffany said...

We are shopping for a playset right now...I think we have even looked at getting this one. Please email:)

Anonymous said...

i can almost see and kiss jebs butt