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Thursday, March 27, 2008

And another makes four...

My four-year-old, accident-waiting-to-happen knocked out her FOURTH tooth last night. We dropped her off at children's choir only to get a phone call about 30 minutes later that Belle had fallen off the ladder of a slide on the playground and knocked out her tooth. She now has ONE front tooth left. The first catastrophe happened two years ago when she was rolling on an exercise ball and fell on Grandpa's floor. She knocked out a tooth (and swallowed it), and damaged the roots to a bunch of others. It was quite traumatic, especially the swallowing part b/c, of course, the tooth fairy had no tooth to collect. It took a lot of convincing that the tooth fairy didn't need the tooth to leave money. Last night was also fairly dramatic. I am used to the fact that there is never any shortage of drama in this house, but I can do without it when blood is involved. Not fun.

Other than another missing tooth, this week was normal for us. Jeb is getting bigger and smiling at us now. He is the sweetest little guy. The girls think he is great but don't pay a whole lot of attention to him. I've broken up several fights over who will stick the paci in his mouth, but other than that, he seems to be able to fly under their radar.


Jill said...

You know what's WAY weird is that Heather Jones was telling us this morning about Belle's tooth and I remembered that I'd had a dream about someone loosing a tooth like that last night!!! WEIRD!!! I hope she's ok.

Superchikk said...

I had to have a tooth pulled when I was little because I fell and busted my face on the concrete. I was nowhere near old enough for it to be ready to come out on its own, so I was called "snaggletooth" for quite some time. And just a few years ago, the dog broke one of my front teeth and I had to have a root canal and crown. So I can totally relate to the tooth trauma. Just be glad those are baby teeth!

Sharon said...

Wow! I just can't beileve she has that many teeth gone! So crazy! LOVE the pictures of Jeb! He's adorable! Does he look like Matt? That is my guess from these pics! Too cute!