Originally posted August 3, 2010
In the last few months, my husband has changed his normal restaurant drink of choice from Diet Coke to half sweet tea and half lemonade. This drink, as you probably know, is referred to as an Arnold Palmer.

The problem is... bless his sweet heart, Matt can. not. say, "Arnold Palmer." Each time the waitress/waiter asks him, "Can I get you something to drink?" I cringe. In my mind I'm silently begging, "Please just say half tea, half lemonade. Please! Don't try to say it. Don't try--. Oh, he tried. And now he has to say it again because they didn't understand a word of it. No one could! Pretend to text, Ang. Just pretend to text."
But instead of trying to explain, cue the YouTube video.
See!! I'm so glad he is such a good sport. We laugh a LOT in this house, but tonight, it was the roll-on-the-floor kind of laughing. In fact, it got so bad that the kids came in to see what we were doing. I pointed the camera at Estella Dru, and was shocked at the result. I'm afraid genetics may play a role.
Turns out, the two-year-old can say it better than anyone in the house.
If you're wondering about Belle's attempt, she was having none of it. The girl is still traumatized over her "gift certificate" attempts and ultimate failures. Click here for that blast from the past of Slaughter history. Makes me smile every time... and sort of cringe.
it's just as funny the second, third, fourth, fifth time! haha! i hadn't seen the gift certickafet video and that one's priceless as well! love y'all! xoxo
You are a bad person. Matt, I feel sorry for you.
Steve!!! As mean as you are to me, I miss my friend!!!
I still get so tickled at that!!!
Whew! That one makes me laugh (with him, not at him!). Ha!
Seriously, this is just as funny as the first time I saw it. Matt is a GREAT sport.
LOVE this post!!
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