Matt told me a few months ago that he is 'working' on a new blog look for me. Yesterday, he gave me a little preview of what it will look like. I'm excited about it, and at the same time, it has made me really think about this blog.
When I started, I did it to be a cool kid. All my friends were doing it. I loved sharing pictures of my kids, and of course, I love to write. Today, I still love to share pictures of my kids, but for me, writing every single day is a must. And when I write, knowing others are going to be reading my words, I want to write about things I'm passionate about... things that other people can become passionate about like how fun interacting with our kids can be, how life can be amazing and exciting even when it's hard, how to come face to face with seemingly insurmountable obstacles and conquer them, and most of all, I want to tell about how Jesus is the ONLY way I get up out of bed every day and do this life.
I had someone say to me the other day, "Your life is so perfect. Sometimes it's hard to read your blog." And I almost laughed. Ok, I did laugh. I wanted to ask, "Have you ever READ my blog?" I'll be honest, I love my life. I believe with all my heart that I have the most generous, caring, protective, gifted, God-loving, committed, honest husband in the world. I don't deserve him, but God gave him to me anyway. My kids are good. Ok, they're really good. They have their problems... oh my gosh, do they ever, but they are really good kids. I could sit here before this computer and cry my eyes out if I stop long enough and think about all God has given me... but if I went back to the beginning....
If I went into detail about all the nights as a child I cried myself to sleep wondering if I would ever feel adored.... If I told you about how I never really felt worthy of love until I met my husband.... If I talked about my crazy "abandonment" issues and how I irrationally worry every single time someone walks out a door that I might never see them again.... If I really delved into the pain and loss I feel every single day when I so badly want to hear Grandma's voice and just ask her if I'm doing a good job.... or how thoughts of Grandpa alone in that house day in and day out plays on my heart.... MY LIFE IS FAR FROM PERFECT. I touch on all those issues here, and I think that's important. But I do not let that stuff direct me. It's hard. I wish I didn't have to do battle with it, but I do. And that's ok. I have a hope much bigger than all the yuck.
Last year was one of the hardest years of my life. The diagnosis of this disease was insanely difficult for me, and it came in the midst of some already dark days. But very soon after I made a decision. I wasn't going to let that darkness take control of my life. I sought the face of God probably more than I ever had, and in doing so, I completed a major goal and also became very intentional about pouring into my children whether it be baking (which we all love), little projects that make them happy, or just being their crazy mommy. I'm passionate about it. I'm passionate about life and living it for the One who gave it to us. I'm passionate about making the best out of our circumstances and being happy even if it doesn't make sense to be happy.
And I blog about those things.... the things I do that make me happy... that just might make someone else happy. But I want to know from those who read this blog, what sort of things do you enjoy on here? I don't want to bore people. I don't want to do this for nothing. If I'm going to do this, I want to do it for a purpose. I would love to hear the reasons why you read. Do you most enjoy the baking/recipe posts? Family stuff? Spiritual views? What?
I don't get hung up on comments like others might. In fact, Matt is usually the one who tells me that I have comments to read. But this time, I honestly, genuinely want to hear from you. Why do you read and what would you like to see more of?
2 years ago
I just love it when you're real...about anything. I appreciate reading people's blogs who can tell the truth about whatever happens to be going on that day and not be afraid of it. I don't know if that makes any sense at all.
I also love the art/craft/baking projects you do. Thanks for sharing those with us who are not creative!
I honestly read because I enjoy hearing about your kids, baking, etc, whatever you are led to write about--I really enjoy your writing style and think you have some really awesome ideas to make me look like a cool mommmy (my kids loved the candy corn cupcakes, by the way). If I ever get discouraged that I am not doing as much as you are, God reminds me that we are in different seasons and with a newborn/4th child I shouldn't expect to be able to do everything and that's ok--I can just go to your blog and find some really cool ideas:-) I look forward to your posts--it brings a little brightness to my day:-) So just keep writing about whatever you feel led to--can't wait to hear what comes next!
i love your blog. it's real and simple (simple in a good way!). your food posts are awesome and your cheap artsy craft how-tos rock. and you're right, you do have a passion for life and i admire that!
You & your posts are always an inspiration to me no matter what they are about! You inspire me, make me laugh, and make me think about things sometimes in a different way. Keep doing exactly what you are doing! :)
I ran across your blog from some link to that arnold palmer video. I don't really know what drew me to it but I instantly felt a connection to you. There are hundreds of blogs in my reader (egads) but I want to read yours everyday. Only a few make that list. I guess your voice is what keeps me here....and the way you share yourself. If your blog were a house, I'd want to hang out there all the time. I always leave uplifted and smiling....even when I'm sometimes crying too. it's just that good.
Don't change a thing Ang! You are doing exactly what you need to do! You are reaching out to people and being honest that is what makes it special. And I love it because I can see the beatiful fun loving, family loving person you have become. And I know in my heart your grandma is so proud of you! I can almost hear that little chuckle of hers and her saying Oh Angela, so keep it up! Don't change a thing. Love ya girl!
until next time... nel
Angela, I told you at church how I enjoy your blogs and that I am not very good with computers.
I think you have got a beautiful family and I have always loved Matt, since the first time I saw him. Twyla
My favorite people are the ones who are REAL and HONEST! I love the fact that you tell us when you've had a doozy of a day. It gets old hearing people "talk" about their perfect lives. The ONLY reason I like to blog or read others is because I feel like it's essential to share (network)and help each other by talking about our ups and downs and support each other. Your ideas are inspirational. We all want to try to do the things that you make look so easy. Your thoughtfulness with your children is truly amazing. I never knew your Gma, but I know what kind of woman she was from reading your writing. You have the same kind of old fashion love for your family as she did with you. I don't feel like the only one...when I read your blog. I look forward to it each day, and I NEVER want to miss it. You've got all the talent in the world and a heart of gold. (and you're a bit quirky, which balances it all out)
angela, I love reading your blogs its the high light of my day> I love knowing that i am not the only one with a mountain of laundry ( and I only have two ppl) and God really ministers through you because just when I need it you will pour your heart out on here and give an encouraging word and it helps me through the day. And although I dont have kids I love the crafts and recipes as well. I share them with everyone.
I love reading your blog everyday because it makes me feel close to you as a friend since we don't see each other often enough. I would love to be able to visit with you in person right now. I love reading your blog because you have the best craft project ideas ever!!! day, you may come to my house and feel like you're in your own because I've copied all your projects. LOL (sad thing is, I haven't even got to do one yet) but I still love reading them! Love to get crazy food ideas for Malachi. And probably the greatest thing about reading your blog is because you are an inspirational mom that seriously admire. You have encouraged me that no matter what falls in my lap, I can handle it. And you remind me that moms are still just human beings. Like the time you blogged about spilling the formula and crying while sitting in the floor trying to pinch up every little bit of it. It made me remember the time I spilled the first 1 oz. of the 2 oz. of breastmilk I had ever pumped. It was devasting. LOL You are real and that's why people love you.
I honestly love your blog! I linked if off another blog (can't remember where) and have read it everyday since. I've laughed and cried and recommended it to others. I wouldn't change anything.
from South Carolina
I randomly found your blog through a link from a "blogger friend" of yours. I don't blog, but I want you to know I read yours daily. I'm young, unmarried, and working through "when's the right time to get married?," and "is this grad school thing right for me?" It's your honesty and compassion for your family that encourages me to keep going and to keep trusting that my future "family life" is reason to pursue dreams in this lifetime. You're the prime example of trusting the Lord and watching His provisions fall into place in His perfect timing. Keep blogging. Keep being you. Don't change anything. :)
The Lord uses your daily words to speak to lots of women like me. (I know, I recommend your blog often!)
P.S. Can't wait to read your book!
-Arkansas gal.
I randomly found your blog through a link from a "blogger friend" of yours. I don't blog, but I want you to know I read yours daily. I'm young, unmarried, and working through "when's the right time to get married?," and "is this grad school thing right for me?" It's your honesty and compassion for your family that encourages me to keep going and to keep trusting that my future "family life" is reason to pursue dreams in this lifetime. You're the prime example of trusting the Lord and watching His provisions fall into place in His perfect timing. Keep blogging. Keep being you. Don't change anything. :)
The Lord uses your daily words to speak to lots of women like me. (I know, I recommend your blog often!)
P.S. Can't wait to read your book!
-Arkansas gal.
I found your blog through Gigi and G-pops and then became your FB friend. I am never dissapointed by your blog. Your's is the only one I make a point to check every day.
1. Love Texting with Matt!
2. Jeb videos are the best. He's suck an angel/stinker all balled up in a cute little boy.
3. The girls are just beautiful and having two girls myself I know what a gift/challenge they are.
4. I saw an Arizona Tea that was market Half and Half and then said Arnold Palmer below that. I almost took a picture of it and sent it to you.
5. "Jeb if you don't do pants on the ground we aren't going fishing." Laughed and Laughed and Laughed about that for an hour!
6. I love reading about your grandma and how such a special lady she was. It makes me hold onto the moments I have with my granny that much more.
There really isn't anything I dislike or would like to see less of. I just smile whenever I see there is a new post and am always surprised about what I'll find. I never know what's coming and I enjoy that. I love the way you write and can't wait for a chance to read your book. GOOD LUCK! AND STILL PRAYING FOR PUBLISHING!!
When I was in the 7th grade, I thought your were the coolest girl in the entire school (out of all- what....200 of us at Hector!) and I wanted to be exactly like you. Now here we are, years later, and you are pretty much the coolest mom ever. So, yeah, I guess I still want to be just like you. Plus, you were a baller!
I love your blog because everytime I come here to read...I leave smiling! My life is quite difficult these days and I enjoy reading about making life simple and fun. You really do love and enjoy the now moments and it makes me happy for you.
I say keep doing what you have been doing. Love you, really wish I knew you in 'real' life:)
I love the humorous conversations that you have with Matt. I also love the videos that you put up of the kids. Your blog makes me laugh more than any other blog that I read. I can honestly say that your blog is my favorite!! I look forward to every post!
I love that you are real on here. No lies about "I woke up to butterflies and rainbows with perfect hair and never a pimple to cross this face"
(although I honestly believe you are one of the most beautiful people I have ever "met", insdie and out).
Your true to life stories and the way you relate everyday life back to God's Word are probably the biggest reason that I check your blog daily. It's always very uplifting to 1) know I am not the only Mommy that wants to run from my house screaming as if my hair were on fire sometimes and 2) get a little devotional in a way that is truly easy to understand.
Keep it up! You're amazing! (Goodness...I sound a little stalker-ish.)
I read your blog because of ALL the the things you listed in the post. Your blog makes me laugh, cry, and think deeply. I feel like I can relate to the good, the bad, and the just plain fun. Its funny, I found your blog through a link and I have since seen you out and about at places like Target and Olive Garden. I have wanted so bad to go up to you, introduce myself and tell you what a great writer you are and the joy I get from reading your blog. Maybe one of these days I will get the courage to do it. Thanks for sharing with all of us!
~Jessica Netherton
Jessica... YOU BETTER NEXT TIME! I promise, I'm the least intimidating person you will EVER meet. And thank you so much. : )
I just love it. Period. I love the way you write and how your words flow effortlessly. I also love looking at pictures of your beautiful children. Also, when I have a bad day, I seriously go watch the Arnold Palmer video. It still cracks me up every time I watch it!
I read your blog because I think you're real, you're funny, you're creative, you're a GREAT mom, and you're a great writer! I wouldn't change a thing, Angela. Just keep bein' your sweet self!
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