I feel like I am now part of a club. The Rejected Writers Club.
Yes, I received my very first rejection letter. (Wah. Wah. Waaaaaaaaaaaah.)
I had only sent a proposal, not my actual manuscript. (In case you didn't know, NO ONE will accept an actual manuscript. NO. ONE.) And I'm pretty sure it wasn't a good proposal. Still, it stung a little. For maybe half an hour I had a little knot in my throat. No tears. Just a knot. I didn't call anyone. I just sat by myself in my car (I was on my way somewhere when I got the email) and let it all sink in.
It hurt to be rejected. Even though it wasn't my actual manuscript they were rejecting, it hurt. But at the same time, I felt like I had cleared my first hurdle. I was rejected. And I lived through it. And at the same time, I joined an elite group of novelists who had received similar letters and lived to tell the tale.
I think I read somewhere that John Grisham was rejected by sixteen publishers before finally being signed. That is just crazy to me. How could anyone reject A Time To Kill? I'm a hardcore Grisham fan, so I may be a bit biased. But A Time to Kill is like... un-rejectable. It's beautiful and brilliant, and I can't begin to fathom someone thinking otherwise.
And I'm pretty sure James Patterson told us at the breakfast I attended with him last year that he was rejected somewhere around thirty times. Thirty times. That is mind boggling to me. I love Patterson's work and can't imagine if he would have thrown in the towel on himself.
I felt so humbled to be in Mr. Patterson's presence. Can you see the stars and rainbows shooting from my eyes? And that noise you're hearing in the distance is a choir of angels singing the Hallelujah Chorus.

So one little rejection isn't going to do me in. And it actually feels nice to be part of the club.
But I want my own story to tell.
You hang in there girl. You are a very strong woman. i love John Grisham also.I am praying for you and your family.
I know that it might be the last thing you want to hear, but WE all have faith and know that things are going to work out for the good. These are learning road bumps, and once they are worked out, you'll know EXACTLY what to do and it'll be easier. It's not an IF that we are waiting for, it's a WHEN.
Arrgghh - but, if everyone gets one, better to get it now and get it out of the way.
You are a wonderful writer. I'll buy everything you publish so get back out there.
You are a winner; always have been; always will be.
:) Angela
I believe in you, girl! I think one day you'll look back on "the day of rejection" and smile. :)
Congratulations!!! That means you have taken many steps into a process of fulfilling your dreams. Good for you!!! That is actually Awesome!!!
Praying as you move forward on this Blessed Journey!!!
that goober who rejected you doesn't know what he's missing....oh but he will. i can't wait to see what doors are opening up for you in the area....but if it's any consolation, i'd buy a copy of your book right now!
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