After much deliberation, I have finally decided on Halloween costumes for the Slaughter kids. I know. It's about time. While I can't reveal, nor confirm, their secret Halloween identities until the 31st, I will give you a hint. Any guesses?

As I was working on the costumes last night, Jeb looked at me and asked ever so thoughtfully, "Mama? What you be Hall-ween?"
I tried to remember the last time I actually dressed up for Halloween. Belle was just a little thing, and our church back home had a fall festival. We all dressed up as farm folks--for lack of a better word. I borrowed the overalls from Grandpa--size 44, I believe.

But Jeb's question made me think. If I WERE to dress up for Halloween, assuming I had a place to go like a rockin' party, what/who would I want to be?
I didn't have to think long. I have ALWAYS dreamed of having a reason to dress up like Scarlett O'Hara at the Twelve Oaks picnic.

Sigh. Is that not the most beautiful thing you've ever seen? The dress. The hat. The face. Vivien Leigh, I adore you.
So what about you? If you had somewhere to go and could be anything you wanted, what/who would it be? C'mon. Spill it.
Angela,I remember this. I was a nun. You remember that lady that was once a real nun in our church? I got an "ok" from her before I came to the party. She was waiting for me there in the old kitchen and she wanted her picture taken with me. I also have one of her, matt and me together.
That is my favorite dress of all the dresses she wears in the film! Are you dressing up your kids as Charlie's Angels? I always liked the idea of dressing up as Cleopatra, and that's who Libby is going to be this year. I will continue to live through her!
i want to dress up like scarlett too! of course, for you, i'd go as melanie and be your sidekick! or maybe i could be your alter ego belle watling....i do have the red hair!
You'd be the most PERFECT Scarlet! Back home the adults had more fun dressing up and had better halloween parties than the kids. Why don't people do fun stuff like that around here? I can't wait to see what exciting and fun stuff you're gonna post this week.
Charlie's Angels???? Is that what your posse is dressing as?
I have no idea who I'd dress as. No idea whatsoever.
Something fantastic and glamorous, but what....I have no idea!
My girls have that Scarlett O'Hara barbie. (It was passed down from someone in Travis's family and she had never opened it. But, I don't believe in that...a toy is to be played with! (And fought over...right?))
Anyway. It' is fought over DAILY! The girls love it...and I would TOTALLY be your twinky!
Ang- My grandma sewed that exact dress (in white fabric with a purple sash) for my cousins senior prom. It was expected that since she took so much care to make it, it would be worn by each of the girl cousins to our senior proms... With a sash in the color of our choice. It was quote the drama trying to get out of that one... Not that my actual senior prom dress was much better.
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