The other day (probably my
bum day) I was flipping channels and landed on the
Rachel Ray show. They were doing a segment on this guy who is an artist and does these amazing pancake creations for his little girl. I was hooked. The dude (whose name is Jim, by the way) was crazy good, and it actually looked like something I could do here with my girls.
And well... you know I had to try.
I went out and bought the condiment bottles he used ($1.50 at Wal-Mart), my favorite pancake mix, some food coloring, and I was good to go. (By the way, Jim uses more natural elements to color his batter, such as cocoa powder, jams, and berries. But #1) My crew wouldn't touch a pancake if it was flavored, and #2) the food coloring is so much more vibrant.) You just need to make sure the batter isn't lumpy or too thick to come out of the little nozzles.

Belle and I decided to do Halloween pancakes and began with a pumpkin. We did the pumpkin outline, including the stem, first, and then we came back inside and did the face. Once the face set up a little, we filled in our pumpkin with more orange. (By the way, you can sign up for Jim's newsletter to get much better tips than I can give. Sign up and check out his blog

Once we flipped this little guy, this is what we got. Belle actually gasped out loud when she saw it. I thought for our first attempt ever, he turned out pretty cute.

Estella Dru decided she wanted a black cat--I did the same thing with that one. I drew the outline, including the ears, first. Then I added the face, and once that set up, I filled in the back (you can go over the top of everything) with more black to fill in our black cat. I decided to make separate whiskers so E Dru could add them herself.

And Jeb chose the ghost! I made letters that spelled "Boo" to go along with it. Remember, if you do letters, make them backward because you'll be flipping them.

They added a little syrup and chowed down. The kids thought it was so neat and are already brainstorming about what we can do next. I have a feeling we'll be making lots and lots of pancakes in the very near future. Thanks, Jim the Pancake Man. We had a great time. There's nothing better.
Those are WAY cool!! I have a confession to make about those pretty little brown UGGs...I sent them back to Zappos because I didnt feel like they were made as well as my previous pair! I was disappointed in the material inside, it wasnt as soft as I remembered it being (BOO!). For $140 I want my boots to be PERFECT! Haha.
what an awesome project! i have a waffle iron so i usually stick with waffles, but these are just too cute not to try.
i have a moon-pie project coming up later this week that your kiddos might enjoy! xoxo
oh my word, love this idea!! how fun would candy canes & christmas trees be at christmas?!
Cute. Cute. Cute. I'm gonna have to try this with John-Heath. By the way, I have forwarded you an award. I think that Kate may have given you the same, but hey, you can never have too many. :>)
Ahh! I can't wait to try this! The girls and I make Travis breakfast in bed for his birthday (or the weekend before) and I can just picture taking him some cute little present boxes as pancakes! FUN FUN FUN!
Oh I will be trying this!!! However, mine will have to be, football, baseball...LOL
What an excellent idea!! I always love your blog!! I'm working on a family blog. It's so hard to get started though!
I jumped over here from Kate's blog at her mention of your pancakes. My girls, almost 6 & 8, will LOVE these! How cute! I'm a new follower!
Stop by the farm for a visit sometime!
These are awesome and I really don't think I have seen this before. Cool!
You are AWESOME. I'm linking up to some of your fabulous ideas!
So neat!! I'm sure glad my girls are too young to read your blog & see all the cool things you do & make! Haha! I have a feeling if I tried those it would be a disaster, lol!
these are adorable!
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