Today, I decided to remove my couch cushions since I hadn't done so in... oh... who even knows how long!? And this is what I found. Brace yourselves for the shock and revulsion.
Here is it all piled up together. Is that not the WORST thing you've ever seen in your life? Knock, knock, knock. Excuse me. That's a horde of vermin at my door.
Please note Jeb picking up something before I could stop him. Oh yeah. He ate it. Awesome. (I think it was a fruit snack. Possibly a skittle. There is the slight chance it was a raisin... that was a grape.)
No, the shame doesn't stop there. THIS is a picture of what was BEHIND my couch.

Excuse me while I go hide myself in disgrace. I. Am. Mortified. Now see.... Don't you suddenly feel awesome about yourself? You are welcome.
Haha...Angie, I love it! I don't have toys under my couch cushions (yet), but when I move my cushions there is a lot of other crap under there. I can't ever figure out how it gets there. Seriously, when does that happen? If it makes you feel better there are several dog bones, a door lock and at least one tennis ball under my couch right now (not to mention the gross dust balls).
Angela, I feel your pain. I actually find lots of things in my couch cushions too. Maybe it's the couch (It looks like we have the same couch. Can we just blame it on that?). Just so you know, you're not alone. I swear, if I find one more eating utensil under there....
This makes me feel like I'm not alone in this area! Just last night we were cleaning out what was under our bed and oh my gosh, it was nasty!!! Who knew kids like to hide their old rotten sippy cups (filled with old juice) and MUCH more gross things under there. I'm proud of you for posting pictures, I just couldn't do it.
Oh. My. Gosh. Now that takes some guts to post those pictures... or to even take them in the first place and create physical evidence of what was there. There was a mouse that just sauntered, not scurried - no, he sauntered, right under my recliner in the living room the other day - to my horror - and I later found out, after the mouse was disposed of, that there was a wad of nest material under that chair. Not much else was there, but those darn vermen were creating a freakin NEST under my chair!!! I DO NOT DO MICE. So, needless to say, that little nest was sucked up in the vacuum cleaner lickedy split. Because of that, I feel your pain. And you are not alone, my friend.
hilarious! that is what mine looks like and i don't have any kiddos running around (yet!). i just hate, when i do clean it definitely does not consist of getting behind and under the furniture :)
Brace yourself.. Kearstin found a rodent on the side of the road walking from from the bus stop, brought it home, and hid it under her bed from me.....
Karissa decided to tell on her later...
I was so disguisted... How in the world would she think that was "neat".
Now you already know Im crazy... so to find "STUFF" under her bed drives me crazy... but a dead little rodent? OMG!!
Ang: Grandpa said that if you ever lose a child, you will know where to look!!! Love you, Gran
I'm suddenly encouraged to clean...
I have laughed myself to crying! It gets better after our children get older, you see they hide their special things to go back and get them later, except with their short attention span, they forget! So the cycle starts over, that is why you have so much in and behind the couch! LOL
Do you remember me telling you the story of Seth hiding the candy wrappers in the couch so I wouldn't find them???? I couldn't figure out why he had gained 35lbs!!!!
Thanks I needed that. One of those days.
You are so hilarious!!! That was awesome.
That. Is. Awesome.
oh my....and to think...I used to threathen my kids lives for leaving candy wrappers under the cushions and behind the couch...Now I find out that is normal....oh shame on me. LOL What a horrible mom I was? I need a re-do.....
Glad to know you are human....
Love ya!!! Tammy
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