And the winner is...... (DRUMROLL, PLEASE!!)
Jill at
MK Chick.We'll hook up, Jill. Hope you enjoy!
NOW HERE'S MY HOW-TO.STEP ONE: Pick out a really cute pair of women's tube socks. (The longer the better!) Target has a pretty big selection, and you can get 3 in a pack for around $7. I bought this pair from Wal-Mart for $3. I just loved the little balls and tassels. (And so did the girls.)
STEP TWO: Lay the socks together, matched up perfectly, and cut both STRAIGHT ACROSS (at the same time) just above the heel before the curve. (If the socks you purchase are too thick to cut together, just make certain they are cut at the exact same position so that one legwarmer won't be longer than the other.)
STEP THREE: Now make another cut straight across about an inch above your initial cut.
STEP FOUR: You should have 4 pieces now: 2 long, and 2 small (as shown below).
Turn the 2 smaller pieces inside out...
STEP FIVE: Working with one long piece and one small, fit the small piece down over the top of the long piece, matching up all the raw edges as perfectly as you can like this.
STEP SIX: Now fold the smaller piece up from the bottom, and once again, match up all the raw edges at the top as perfectly as you can.
STEP SEVEN: Pin all the way around. (I suppose you wouldn't HAVE to pin, but it just helps me ensure that the edges will stay lined up until I can get them sewn. I recommend it.) Oh, and make sure you're not pinning the whole thing shut! You should be pinning three layers together the entire way around. Remember, a little leg has to fit in there!
STEP EIGHT: Here's the part where you sort of have to know how to sew a straight line! Simply sew as close to the raw edge as possible, pulling out your pins as you go.
Your result should look something like this....
Now cut away any excess thread and unfold. This is what you should have! TA DA!!
STEP NINE: Find a sweet little girl whose outfit just needs a little extra something and slip them right on. Here is fashion model, Estella Dru, posing in the finished product. Fabulous fashion for $3 and no more than 15 minutes of my time.
A couple more tidbits: I have had no problems with the legwarmers staying up on the girls' legs, but if you have a tiny little girl, you might try buying
girls' tube socks and following the same directions. I have also seen little girls wearing them on their arms, and it was adorable. Just an idea!
Thanks Angela for sharing the tutorial! I'm so excited...going to Target tonight and buying $100 worth of tube socks!!! I bet I'll confuse the heck out of the cashier :)
Congrats, Jill!
Thanks for the tutorial with the great pics! You make it look easy...hopefully I can replicate it :)
Can you do a lesson on sewing? (I don't know how!)
How fun is that! Eden might need a pair of those...
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