I am sorry it has come to this. I have exhausted all other options and see no other course of action than to go public with our current predicament. The truth must be shared. It is imperative that others understand the depth of our situation so that they may learn from it and avoid similar circumstances of their own.
I have been mortified, ashamed... unable to go get the mail without sprinting, all the while, hiding my face in disgrace and humiliation. I have begged, employed manipulation and shame and several like tactics to coerce you into alleviating the problem, yet you have refused cooperation. I fear what the future may hold. Can we continue to show our faces in public? Can our children play outside without the fear of public ridicule and mockery? It is a situation that could dictate the course of the rest of our lives if not handled properly and, above all, immediately.
So, my sweet husband, I beg your assistance this final time. Please. Before the entire family is chased into hiding, help us. We plead with you. Mow the yard!!!

Your Loving Wife
P.S. Yes it IS a boy job.
Hahaha! Cute blog Angela, if this doesn't get Matt busy mowing, nothing will.....lol!
HIL.AR.I.OUS! Seriously! You crack me up! and YES, IT IS A BOY JOB!!!
LOVE IT!! I may have to copy & paste this note so that my own husband will mow our horrible yard, lol!!
And, absolutely love Jeb's expressions! He is the cutest little guy!
Seriously about to pee my pants!!! So funny!!
What in the world is that? It is not grass. If you leave it a little longer it might flower...then you could hold your head high and act like you meant for it to be there this whole time.
This right here is why I check in daily in hopes that you have made a post on your blog! Thanks for another good laugh!
That's clever...good job SIL!
agreed. boy job.
hahaha .....wait til you have the neighbor kids dropping by asking if they can mow the yard....soooo embarrassing. But I did tell mike the next time they ask tell them to go ahead....
Imagine me doing my best Milli Vanilli lip sync impression...
Don't you know those are TREES trying to come up? What, with global (non)warming and all, you should be ashamed of yourself for wanting to chop down those little tree babies! ;)
I agree though...you don't want to lose your child.
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