On June 2, 2001, I married my best friend. (Cliche, but so very true.)

Eight years and this....

...plus this...

...and this (oh my) later...

...we are still crazy in love, committed, and loving this ride.

I found this waiting on me this morning (along with a Starbucks that is long gone). My husband knows me so well. He said he was the only person in Target when the doors opened and felt like a dork buying girl stuff. It just has to be true love.
In all honesty, (get ready for anniversary mush) I feel like all the years of my life that I spent feeling alone and unworthy were wiped clean the day I met Matt Slaughter. Not since that day have I felt unprotected or unworthy or unloved. If ever a real-life hero existed, Matt is that to me. (I told you to get ready.) So, Happy Anniversary, Matt. You really do have mad skills.
Love it. You know I love a good love story. :)
Happy Anniversary!!
That was sweet!! Happy Anniversary!:)
OH! Totally forgot in that other post - what in the WORLD was going on with your hair in that first picture?!
Aww, how sweet!! Happy Anniversary!! Did you get that DVD??
Just stopping by because I was over at Steph's blog and saw the title of today's post. I just had to come over and say hi. Congrats on eight years! That's awesome!
Congrats! I had no idea our anniversaries were just a few days apart!!!
Have a VERY happy anniversary!
Ha! Jill that's a shadow!!! It wasn't THAT long ago!!!!
Don't let Angela fool you - I was her roommate when this match made in heaven began and that was NOT a shadow on her head! :)
Happy Anniversary...and many more!
Happy Anniversary! I totally talked to you today and forgot to tell you. Sorry, since I've been off work I haven't been able to keep up with the date!
Happy Anniversary! You got yourself a good man....but he got himself a fantastic woman. :-) Glad to see another couple still enjoying each other. Good luck on the next 8 years.
So special.
Happy Anniversary to you both!!!
Happy Anniversary! I think God pats himself on the back when he sees the two of you, and then He smiles when He thinks of how He blessed your lives with your little angels. I know I have told you before, but you bless me, Angela, you bless me!!!
Congrats! You two were so young looking. I love it!!!
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