The thought occurred to me this week that my girls are 5 and 4, and I have never once colored eggs with them. Not to mention I have never done any sort of fun Easter baking. Awesome, huh? Way to go, Super Mom.
So, I thought I would try to give us mommies a little incentive to do something fun this Easter with our kids. Instead of writing today, I sat down at the computer this afternoon and searched the 'net a bit for some ideas and found some adorable ones for Easter cupcakes, cakes, and cookies. I found a million ideas with one quick search, so I know you can too. Here are some of them.

(That last bunny is a little scary. See? You don't have to be a professional.) Here's what I'm proposing. Come up with your own (or totally steal) an idea for Easter cupcakes or cakes or cookies to do with your kids. Then take a picture and add them to your blog. After that, leave me a comment on this post with a link to your blog. I'll go to your blog, collect the pictures, and add them to my blog in a 'Contest Results' post next Saturday. I'll find a completely impartial judge to do the judging. (Not Matt.) The fun part is that Matt's sweet mom volunteered to supply a for-real prize. This homemade candy cookbook... and it's awesome. I have one and have nearly worn it out.

I know we are all super busy. I pass myself coming and going. But I also know that the littlest things can be the most meaningful to our kids. I did pine cone turkeys with my kids two Thanksgivings ago, and they still talk about it.
And just to get us started, I'm issuing a DIRECT challenge to a few friends. So, Jill, Annie, Robyn, Lori, and Leanne, you guys get busy and start us off right. Yes, I'm serious. I'm doing it, too. EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO ENTER! Mommies, Grandmommies, or even if you don't have kids! Go bake!
OH MY GOODNESS!!! You don't realize you picked one of the LEAST creative people to challenge, lol!!! Shasta gave me a really hard time last Easter b/c I didn't want to dye eggs for Kyleigh...I told her that was the Aunt's job,:)!! Now, I HAVE TO! Thanks, Angela...I can't turn down a challenge!
Have a good day!
That's my mom's cousin that wrote that book! How random is that!?
Ok, I'm so in. Another mom that wants these things and sucks at actually doing them, besides me!!! I'm so excited that I will enter your contest. Thank you for not including Erin, she would destroy us! Let the baking begin!
I have an idea...we'll see how well it turns out! This will be fun :)
BTW, I wish I could enter...but I will wait to see what everyone else comes up with and steal an idea!
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