1. He has, what he refers to as, "mad skills". And it's true. He can build me anything I want. Fix anything that needs fixing. You name it, and he can probably do it.
2. I can't remember the last time I heard him complain about anything.
3. He tells me I'm beautiful every time we talk on the phone.
4. If I cook, he almost always cleans the kitchen.
5. He puts the girls to bed every night and prays with them... which sometimes can take upwards of an hour.
6. He makes me laugh... mostly 'at' him instead of 'with' him, but still... that's laughing.
7. He's an incredible speaker.
8. He has always been a consistent provider for his family.
9. When he makes mistakes, he isn't afraid to admit them and say, "I'm sorry."
10. He takes the kids out by himself at least one night a week so I can write.
11. He puts up with my high maintenance-ness like a pro.
12. He loved my Grandma and always did anything she asked with a smile and happy heart.
13. He loves Grandpa and works hard for him every time we visit. He always asks, "What else do you need me to do while I'm here."
14. He is the best daddy in the world. The time he spends with the kids is meaningful and fun. I can already see a little of him in each of them.
15. He changed all three of our babies' first poopie hospital diapers. You know the ones I'm talking about...
16. If any of our babies wake up in the middle of the night, he gets up to check on them without ever waking me.
17. He is a hard worker in everything he does and people notice.
18. He is the best driver/navigator I know. (Except in Mobile, AL.)
19. He can't stand it when I cry.
20. He cried at the births of all our children.
21. He lets me sleep in every Saturday morning and takes the kids for doughnuts.
22. He has never betrayed my trust.
23. He sings horribly, but he still sings.
24. He corrals all of us on Sunday mornings and makes sure we get to church on time. His favorite thing to say is, "The Slaughter train is leaving in 5 minutes."
25. I never doubt for a second that he will accomplish his dream.
26. He is genuine to the core... no fronts, no disguises... what you see is what you get.
27. He finished a marathon last year with pretty much zero training and about seventeen oozing blisters.
28. He makes me want to be better.
29. He loves us.. me, Belle, Estella Dru, and Jeb... and is content being with us. He doesn't spend hours on the golf course, or hunting, or out with the guys... He's just here for us because he wants to be. What could be better than that?

He is a great man and you have are very lucky. I wish you would come to Oak Grove, we miss you all.
God has definitely blessed you dear! (Which you deserve!)
Happy Birthday Matt!
What a sweet post! Happy Birthday Matt!! Enjoy your last year in your twenties, old man!!
Happy Birthday, Matt! Ryan and I will soon be joining the 29 club.
The 29 club???? Let's see....hmmmm....yes....hey! Let's go ride our bikes!....errr...sorry, I'm slowly losing my memory in my old age - Happy Birthday man. James
Happy Birthday, Matt. What a blessing you have been in our lives . We are both so greatful for the Lord putting you in our path.
That was a great list. I love things like that - telling what you love most about your spouse. Precious. I showed Mike the picture of Matt from back when you guys first met. His words were, and I quote - "Well. He's filled out a little since then." and all the while I was thinking "takes one to know one, dear."
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