We had a really nice Christmas, beginning with a trip home to Grandpa's with family we don't get to see enough and always miss. Afterwards, we spent Christmas Eve night at home and woke up here Christmas morning. Santa brought the girls a new trampoline, and they were so excited to see it in the backyard topped with a big red bow. We went to Matt's parents afterwards and opened gifts with his family which is always fun. It was a great time.
Santa brought us a new camera, so hopefully I'll have more pictures to share... better quality ones anyway. Here are a few from our holiday break. I'm sure there will be more to come....

Trying out the new camera in Paw-paw's backyard.

More practicing with the camera...

This picture just makes me laugh. I think this is his super secret double agent face.

Drusy got a "hat like Mommy's" in her stocking via special request.

Slaughter girls before bedtime on Christmas Eve.

We had no cookies, so Santa got Jello Pudding and milk. We're not afraid to mix it up a bit.
Love the pictures - what kind of camera did you get? And the Run DMC shirt..well it just needs no words. :)
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