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Thursday, November 20, 2008
Two Thanksgiving Programs in One Day=A Lot of Thanksgiving Programs
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Both Belle and Estella Dru had their Thanksgiving programs at school today. The SAME program... different times and venues. I guess that's what I get for having girls just 15 months apart--one in K-5 and one in K-4. The performances were really cute. Even Jeb enjoyed it... twice. (Oh, did I say Belle and Estella Dru? I meant Shooting Star and Dancing Doe. Yes, they picked their own names.)

Your kids look super cute and I love their stage names! I can't wait for Alyssa to have a program. I am sure it just melts your heart as a mom!!
Jeb is getting so big, and he looks like he could take off walking any day...oh no!!
The kiddos were so cute today!! Holiday programs are so fun..
They are just so cute and I'm glad they still do school plays, it is such a fun part of school life.
Bless you, Cindy
What cute little Indians! Looks like Jeb had a great time, he's getting so big. I was thinking about you yesterday. Your going to be jealous:) Baton Rouge has not one, but two, Frock Candy stores. I went in last night and got a great pair of jeans for 20 bucks. I have not been in one in a long time. They have a TON of stuff in there. Yall have a great day!
Well you've got me beat. Daisies and Olives is WAY better than Frock Candy! Martha has some great stuff in there. Next time you go be sure to tell her I said hello! I actually have one of those ceiling tiles! They are so neat.
We miss yall too! For some reason last night we were talking about Matt having to be rescued during the belly buster contest. I don't even remember how we got on the subject. I look at your blog all the time too! Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!
(I actually posted this entire comment under the wrong post. So just ignore it if you ever find it. I'm like a blog itiot.)
November 22, 2008 10:51 AM
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