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Monday, November 17, 2008
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This weekend, I got two fun surprises. The first, from my friend Olivia at our yearly Christmas party. I won it fair and square at our 'dirty Santa' gift exchange. (Thank you, KB, for not stealing! What made you think I liked it???) Isn't it so awesome?
And only because it is so awesome am I still speaking to Olivia after she took this picture of me driving home in Grandpa's truck. (I didn't want to leave Matt and the kids at Grandpa's without transportation so, I took the truck, and left my Jeep.) It was a selfless act! Then I look over at the stoplight and find a camera pointed at me. I think someone was a bit jealous of being left out of the Earl-mobile experience.
And speaking of Matt... he gave me an even bigger surprise this weekend. Check it...
A super cool iPhone. I am so excited. I have the best husband EVER! Thank you, Sweetheart. I owe you. (And no, Matt, it has nothing to do with Ed Young.)
You are going to LOVE that new iphone! So happy for you. Way to go Matt.
Does this mean you will now know who is calling/messaging you? :-P
LOVE the bracelet.
OOOOHHHHH!! It's a bracelet! I was having the hardest time trying to figure out what that picture was! I was thinking it was some sort of bulb type item with a cloth on the stem of it... yeah, thanks for clearing that up, Annie. I really was stumped! :)
Way to go on the iPhone! I'm jealous.
How fun! Hope you have fun your new goodies!
Welcome to the I-phone world...
If your kids are anything like mine they will figure out how to download all the free games from the App store and take your phone away from you everyday after school:) Well, except for Deric and that's cause he has his own(16- B-day present)
Did you take Ed Young's challenge?
Oh, that's a little TOO personal.
The iphone is great and the bracelet ~ yipee for you!
I didn't get an iphone but the morning for the very first time in our nearly 28 year marriage my hubs left a card for me by my purse for absolutely no reason except he wanted to say he loved me. Nearly made me ruin my makeup.
Have a great week friend,Cindy
I'm with Jill on the bracelet pic. I was way confused for a minute. Very cute though! Jonathan loves to "pop the bubbles" on Ben's iphone...I guess it's a game you can play?
You are so funny! I guess 'the girls' can really appreciate that picture of you in your grandpa's truck. And the bracelet is so you! I think you and Olivia had a 'plan' to get each others gifts. Congrats on the new phone, what a great man. Shannon surprised me with a new camera a couple of weeks ago, which I love. Love you, Ang!
One more thing, I asked Alan Johnston to be my friend on facebook and he sent me a message wanting to know who I was??? How funny is that?
just wanted to tell you that I love your Jeb and he loved me! I totally put him to sleep at the loud basketball game! Number 1 babysitter right here! Hope you had good "alone" time, have a good rest of the week
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