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Saturday, September 27, 2008
In case you see my child and wonder...
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No, I did not cut Estella Dru's hair and give her bangs. She did it all on her own today with a pair of safety scissors. It could have been a lot worse, I guess. Still... if you see my child and wonder, "Why would Angela do that do her hair?" The answer is, I didn't. She did.
On the pic on the right I am voting Total Redneck....:)
I think I'm going to have to agree!! (In my defense... it was all Matt.)
what exactly were you trying to accomplish?
on the hair, why did you do that? and why do you blame your precious little daughter? :-P
Did you beat her before or after you took the pic? LOl.
Well, at least they look 'side-swept' to match the latest fashion!!
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