But for all you naysayers, I PROMISE HE GIVES KISSES! He just doesn't do it on cue.
2 years ago
The Ups and Downs of this Sweet, Crazy Life...
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Don't you love it when they do that? Parker did something similar last week. Oh...those boys!
So cute...his expression! Yes, I hate it when my kids do that and not perform!
That's so sweet. Caedmon doesn't do anything you ask him to do. Ha! He has zero interest in copy-cat things or doing anything on demand. I think he's kin to his Daddy!
An apparently he won't do it for the camera either! :)
I'm jealous, all of those precious baby boy kisses. He couldn't be any cuter!!
Too stinkin CUTE ! I Love his hair..
Hey Angela! My email is jekennett@cox.net. Email me sometime when you get a chance and maybe we can make plans. We are planning to stay in town this weekend instead of going to BV to work on our house... and we're planning to come to church on Sunday. I'd love to get with you guys and maybe you can show us where to go!
Porter does the same thing! When I get him up from naps or when there's nothing else to focus on besides Mommy, he's all about giving kisses. When there's any other thing to grab his attention or anyone else remotely in the vicinity, no can do on the kisses. What's up with that?! :)
Silly Dog. Don't you know to put Bath & Body Works' lip gloss on your lips?
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