I should be scurrying around my house getting things ready to leave for Florida in the morning. I'm not. I'm sitting here at my computer with a squirming baby who is making my sleeve and arm completely wet with baby drool. It's gross. And stinky. Why is baby drool so stinky? I've tried to lay him down several times, but he isn't interested in entertaining himself this morning. As soon as this kid goes 'night night' I'm diving into a warm bath to rid myself of the drool. After that, I might possibly think about getting ready for FL. Matt gave me three orders this morning. No, I'm not kidding. He stood in the bedroom and said, "I want three things done by the time I get home." Stop laughing, ladies. They are as follows: 1) Pack for me and the kids. 2) Clean out the car. 3) Fold the clothes. The funny thing is that I let him leave the house thinking that I took him seriously. Not that I don't believe the husband is the head of the home--I'm all about some Bible, but c'mon... giving me a 'to-do' list? That boy must have lost his mind. Something
not on his list was wipe a bootie with one hand, hold a baby on your hip, and keep the cat out of the bathroom with my foot b/c Dru can't stand for the cat to "watch". Nope, that wasn't on the list, nevertheless, it was done. And yesterday when he called me at 9 am and said the realtor wanted to the show the house at 9:30 am, I didn't need a to-do list then to wake up three kids, get them dressed, organize closets, pick up toys, sweep, mop, vacuum, and get out the door in 40 minutes. I guess what I'm saying is that I didn't take well to my imposed duties this morning. Sorry, Babe. I love you, but I think I'm going to protest my duties until you get home tonight. That way you can
On a different note, last night Matt and me and the kids went to the park and grilled burgers. Belle, of course, had only cheese puffs since she is anti-burger, but we had a great time. They played, fed ducks, fell in the water (not under my supervision). We had a great family night. And it was all thanks to Matt who had the idea a couple days ago. Super Dad. Super Dad who makes to-do lists.
Anyway... I'm posting some pictures of last night. Tomorrow morning before we leave, I'll announce the winner of Matt and Angela's weight loss challenge. Stay tuned....

Drusy looking like an orphan baby.

Jeb and Daddy at picnic table.

Jeb chillin' in his carrier.

And my personal fav. I don't know if you can read this very well, but right in front of me on the picnic table were the words, "Ang is hot." No, I didn't do it.
You are great wife even if you dog me out on your blog. Stop blogging and get to work. Love you.
I don't think that your thinking is all that biblical or me like. you are blessed that i have given you such a wonderful husband.
Dear Husband, I think Jesus knows that letters that begin a sentence are capitalized, not to mention "i", especially if He were referring to Himself!!! Try again with correct grammar.
Your Extraordinary Wife
And what the heck is "me like"????!!!
You crack me up on your blog. I think every morning when I get to work and I wonder if you have posted something. I love to read everything you have written. I hope you have fun on your trip. Keep us posted on the fun stuff you do. And by the way, I love the novel you are writing. I need more!!
Tammy Rye
Ok, first of all you had to WAKE 3 children up at 9:30?!?! Wow! You all have always been on a late morning schedule, but 9:30! Must be nice!
Second of all......love the details of Dru going to the bathroom without the cat watching.
Then you put "fell in the water" with no story to go with it...what in the world?
Sharon, Well if I wasn't the one supervising, who do you think let my kid fall in the water!!!??? Oh yeah, it was Mr. Awareness Matt. They were feeding ducks and in she went. His excuse was "Belle was supposed to be holding her hand." Blame it on the 5 year old.
You and Matt are cracking me up on here. Hope you all have fun on your trip this week! We'll miss you!
Ummm....so the comments were almost as funny as the post.
1. It is no fair that your kids are still asleep at 9:00
2. Tell Matt to pack his own darn bag.
3. I hope you have a fabulous time at the beach....I am seriously jealous.
Ok, you two are seriously cracking me up! You all have a great time on your trip. I can't wait to see pictures!!
I'm usually the one giving the to-do list around here. But I can totally relate to the "you need to do this" thing when he doesn't realize what you are ALREADY doing.
Love that when the kid went into the water, you weren't the one supervising. It always happens that way. Moms can see it coming. Dads usually see it after it happens.
Have fun in Florida. I am envious of the time you'll have on the beach!
Colossians 3:18
Wives, be subject to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.
1 Timothy 2:11-12
Let a woman quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness.
Jesus, Isn't your name spelled with a capital 'J'???
1 Peter 3:1
In the same way, you wives, be submissive to your own husbands even if any of them are disobedient to the word.
If you will notice, your blog formatting puts everything in lower-case. Thanks for the sarcasm though. That is going to cost you later.
What is with all of the exclamation points and question marks?
If you want to talk grammar, lets take a look at where those quote marks keep landing!!!!????!!!!
Wow. You really have had some high-profile readers lately.
Steven Curtis Chapman's manager, Jesus, Matt Slaughter, and now Me!
You are going straight to the top!
Uh... I'm pretty sure YOU are Jesus tonight. Nice try. Don't you go straight to hell for impersonating God's son?
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