It was a critical, critical turning point in my life. I was at a crossroads, determined to make things right again with God. I was still His, but my decisions didn’t reflect my Christianity in the least. It was by far one of the most difficult times in my life, and I was praying night and day for help, for a touch from Him to get me through. I had been having these horrible nightmares—the same one night after night. It was spiritual warfare at its best, almost straight from This Present Darkness, and I was scared to death, but still determined I was going to get life right one way or another.
I was lying in bed in my duplex I shared with my good friend, Lori. She had been asleep for quite a while, and I was just lying in the dark praying when I heard someone say my name. “Angela.” It sounded like a male voice, but there were no males in my apartment. So I just sort of blew it off as though I was hearing things and kept praying. Then a few seconds later, I heard it again. “Angela.” This time, I sat straight up and said, “Lori?” She of course didn’t answer. Again. "Angela." This time, I said aloud, "Yes?" Then the voice said, word for word, “We’re working on something for you.” I lay back down, totally unafraid, smiling and feeling this indescribable feeling that everything was going to be ok. And it was…. A few months later, I met Matt, and the entire course of my life was changed. A true miracle.
Call me crazy. That’s ok. I just figured if SCC’s manager could put himself out there, so could I. I’m not ashamed. And by the way, if you've never read This Present Darkness, go out today and buy it. It will make you think twice about how not alone we really are.
That was awesome, Ang. I am totally with you that we are not alone. I think we sometimes get so wrapped up in this world, that we forget about the spiritual war that is going on all around us . . . all the time.
And how it all did change soon after...I remember what you were going through and how you and your world changed after Matt.
Angela, some advice, never trust an artist manager. : )
Thank you for sharing your story and "going out there" with me. You have a beautiful family and the photos in Florida made me long for my annual beach trip to the Seagrove/Watercolor area.(code for Seagrove when Jim pays, Watercolor when his in-laws pay) : )
Hoping God will continue speak to us... and through us in the days ahead. Peace to you.
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