Jeb was born this afternoon, and Mom and baby are doing great. He is 7 lbs and 20 inches long. They are at Washington Regional Hospital.
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Congratulations Matt and Angela. He is beautiful. Glad everthing went well. Your Cousin Denise in Calfornia.
What a sweet baby boy! You did it! I've enjoyed keeping up with you guys through your blog...found it through some mutual Siloam friends. May God bless your family, as you welcome another Slaughter in to the clan! :)
Rebecca Mullikin
He is precious. An absolute gift from God! I can't wait to meet him in person!
Love you both!
Oh, what a sweet sweet face, somehow I bet he'll be as honory as his dad! He is precious - and your smallest baby yet :) Hope you are feeling good and are enjoying being able to have chocolate again ! (chocolate ice cream - with oreos was the first thing I ate after delivery). Congrats to you!! - Renae and Jon
Glad everyone is well! Jeb is the same size Caedmon was when he was born...hard to believe how tiny that really was just 5 months later!
Melissa Swain
Yahooo!!! Congratulations Slaughters! So excited for you guys and glad to hear that Jeb and Angie are doing alright!
Yay for another MAN in the Slaughter house. :-) Looks like Belle if you ask me!
Congrats! He is so cute!
He is beautiful! I know you are both very proud. I hope to get to see you soon. Love you, Karey
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